XETV SD Show Notes

Easter is just around the corner!  Another reason to put on a fab gathering for your loved ones. I just taped a fantastic segment with XETV San Diego. I always have a blast here. If you’ve missed my segment check out my tips below! Enjoy~



* A ‘hoppy’ refreshment just for the adults! Serve a tasty Easter cocktail. Use different colored marshmallows and coconut shavings to garnish. This is a great way for the adults to enjoy the magic of the Easter Bunny while the kids are hunting for eggs!

* Use up those random baskets. We’ve all got a ton of wicker baskets just lying around the house, spray paint them with a cheerful, glossy pastel hue and glue fake flowers around the top or the base. Use for the Easter egg hunt!


* Everyone loves an Easter egg hunt! Keep with tradition and have an Easter egg hunt for the little ones. Each egg should contain a hint to where the next egg is hidden, but don’t make it too easy! Hide the prize somewhere unexpected, like the dryer!

* Make your eggs crack pop! Use different sized rubber bands and stickers on the eggs before dyeing. Once dry, pull off the adornments to see the fun designs left behind! You can also try using a toothbrush to scrub or splash with fun colors!


* Keep with tradition…or not! Pick up some adorable little pasta nests from the grocery store and spray paint different metallic colors. Rest your dyed eggs and wait for your guests to swoon!  Another idea is to create a fun and festive wreath using plastic eggs, feathers and ribbon. If you’d like, incorporate miscellaneous items throughout the house to personalize.

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Welcome to my sparkly world as a celebrity event planner, TV contributor & author obsessed with Louboutins, glitter + travel. Forever in search of the perfect donut. If you like something pin it!

